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Experience Matters. Turn To A Former Judge and Prosecutor For Your Case.

Experienced Guidance For Oklahoma Guardianships

You are willing to do anything necessary to protect your loved ones. In some situations this means going through the process of establishing a guardianship to ensure a loved one with a disability is taken care of. The guardianship process is complicated and littered with pitfalls for people who lack experience navigating the legal system. In Norman and throughout Cleveland, Grady and McClain counties you can turn to the proven lawyers of Schumacher Law Group for the compassionate representation you need.

What Is A Guardianship?

A guardianship fulfills many of the duties typically outlined by a power of attorney. Unfortunately, when a loved one without a power of attorney in place becomes sick, disabled or otherwise incapacitated, a power of attorney is no longer an option. That’s where guardianship comes into play. Also known as conservatorship, a guardianship grants the right to make decisions about a person’s well-being and property to another individual – most often a family member such as a parent or adult child.

The decision-making power granted to a guardian can include decisions regarding:

  • Housing
  • Medical treatment
  • End-of-life decisions
  • Purchase or sale of property
  • Signing contracts

Due to the gravity of these issues, the court will go to great lengths to ensure that appointing a guardian is in your loved one’s best interest. Our experienced family attorneys can help you move through this complex process as efficiently as possible, filing legal documents and counseling you on your rights and responsibilities, so you can focus on being there for your loved one.

Call Now To Get Started

Take the first step today by calling 405-389-2260 to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you do what is necessary to protect your loved one with a guardianship.