Some driving under the influence (DUI) charges arise because of technical violations. People fail breath tests during traffic stops or at checkpoints and end up arrested as a result. Other DUI arrests occur because one driver displays poor capabilities on the road or...
Just being over the legal limit is grounds for a DUI charge
People who regularly enjoy alcohol eventually develop a tolerance. Someone who may have felt the effects of a single drink when they first started drinking may now need to consume multiple beverages to experience the same sensations. This slow-growing tolerance may...
What are some tactics to fight a drunk driving charge?
Drunk driving charges can result in very serious penalties that can include time in jail, hefty fines, community service, probation, ignition interlock devices and alcohol education and treatment. There are also collateral consequences, such as increased insurance...
Addressing some basic elements of DUI charges
There may be few experiences in life as stressful as being accused of driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Regardless of how it happens, if you stand accused of such offenses, you might not have the necessary legal knowledge to know...
DUI charges and the topic of driving on medications
When it comes to driving while under the influence, most individuals may associate this with the presence of alcohol consumption. However, this might not be the only factor that could create impairment among drivers, as there may be some types of medications that...
Knowing what to expect when approaching a DUI checkpoint
There may be numerous types of strategies law enforcement agents may employ to promote safety on the streets of Oklahoma. DUI checkpoints are just one example of a common strategy, and while you may typically expect to encounter these mostly during the holidays, this...
Talking to your teen about underage drinking and driving
Many parents in Oklahoma may look forward to the day their teens reach the milestone of receiving their drivers’ licenses. However, as your kids prepare to navigate the open road on their own, you might also experience a mix of emotions, as it may only be natural to...
What factors do Standardized Field Sobriety Tests seek to assess?
Being involved in a routine traffic stop can be stressful under any circumstance, but there may be some scenarios in which this process could prove more daunting in nature. Should authorities suspect the presence of impairment, you might not know what to expect or how...
Facing felony DUI in Oklahoma?
Within the Oklahoma criminal justice system, there is separation of crimes into various categories or levels of severity. In certain situations, the police may arrest you and charge you for a particular crime. In some cases, a crime that would typically be in the...
4 ways to stop a loved one from driving drunk after a holiday celebration
Finding out that your college-age child or other relative was arrested on suspicion of DUI after your Thanksgiving celebration is a sure way to ruin your holidays. But did you know you could potentially also face criminal charges? Under Oklahoma's dram shop law...